Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Newborn baby buried alive in cemetery by parents survives for EIGHT DAYS later

The miracle baby that was discovered after being buried for eight days. The boy was abandoned by his family when he was born with a cleft lip
A newborn baby has been found alive after being buried for eight days in a cemetery in the mountains of Guangxi province in southern China.
The baby, a boy, was abandoned by his parents in Tian Dong County after being born with a cleft lip. 
But he was miraculously discovered after a middle-aged woman heard his crying while she was collecting herbs for Chinese medicine, reported the People's Daily Online.  
The woman, named Lu Fenglian, was shocked to hear the crying sounds and - believing the mountain to be haunted - ran to a Buddhist temple for help.
 Police rushed to the Feng Long Ridge area, where the baby had been buried just 5cm underground hidden in a cardboard box. Doctors believe rainwater provided enough moisture to keep him aliveFenglian, a regular volunteer at the Siping Temple, soon enlisted the help of a priest and returned to the scene, in the Feng Long Ridge area.   Read more

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